Updates on Industrial Action at Ports

Hutchison Ports Brisbane Protected Industrial Action

Hutchison Ports has advised of Protected Industrial Action in Brisbane, as follows:

“Please be advised that due to Protected Industrial Action by Stevedoring Employees, Hutchison Ports Brisbane will be closed FRI 05/04/19 0700 – SAT 06/04/19 0700.

Due to this action, the following will apply:

Vessel cut-off for the OOCL DUBAI will be brought forward to THU 04/04/19 2200

ITAL MELODIA Import Storage will now start 10/04/19

COSCO FELIXSTOWE Import Availability will be 08/04/19 0700”

If you have any questions, please contact us here at Colless Young.

Industrial Action Lifted at DP World Brisbane

Members of the CFMMEU are undertaking a campaign of protected industrial action at DP World Australia Terminals.

They have issued advice of the lifting of industrial action at DP World Brisbane:

“Each of the four DP World Australia (DPWA) terminals has been subjected to Protected Industrial Action (PIA) following the expiry of the Enterprise Agreement (EA).

The CFMMEU agreed to lift all forms of PIA nationally as of Sunday 31 March so that negotiations for a replacement EA could resume.”

They advise that Brisbane, Melbourne and Fremantle have honoured the agreement.