Prepare for Fumigation Changes in 2025

The Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) has issued Advice Notice 174-2024: “Methyl bromide fumigation methodology – Prepare now for 2025 update.”

On 05 August 2024 DAFF published the updated Methyl Bromide Fumigation Methodology (version 3.0). The changes come after a comprehensive review period with a significant amount of feedback from stakeholders.

The current methyl bromide fumigation methodology (version 2.0) is in force until 30 April 2025. DAFF will update the page with the new documentation on 01 May 2025.

There are minor changes made to treatment requirements and processes, but the way fumigators perform successful methyl bromide fumigations has not changed.

The changes come after completing a review of the Methyl Bromide Fumigation Methodology (version 2.0) with the aim of improving the way the methodology communicates their requirements.

Feedback from stakeholders helped to remove ambiguous language, simplify wording, and clarify the requirements. This helps treatment providers meet regulations and gives DAFF assurance that fumigators are conducting treatments correctly and effectively.

Note: the requirements do not apply to grain and plant products. Fumigation requirements can be found in the relevant instructional material on the Plant Export Operations Manual.

The Methyl bromide fumigation methodology sets out the minimum requirements for treatment providers performing methyl bromide fumigations on commodities and/or associated packaging for quarantine and pre-shipment (QPS) purposes.

It is an internationally recognised standard for the application of methyl bromide. Members of the International Cargo Co-operative Biosecurity Agreement (ICCBA) have endorsed the methodology, harmonising treatment requirements internationally.

The Guide to performing QPS fumigation with methyl bromide provides information on the various methods and techniques that fumigators can use to ensure they are performing fumigations that meet the requirements of the methodology.

The Guide to packaging suitability for performing QPS treatments provides information to assist the application of, and compliance with, the consignment suitability requirements of the relevant treatment methodology. This document applies to the suitability of consignments for fumigation and controlled atmosphere treatments.

For more information talk to us here at Colless Young or see DAFF’s online information (LINK).

Also see our previous related article: Consultation Invited on Methyl Bromide

For correct information about all your imports, including quarantine inspections and treatments, contact us here at Colless Young. As licensed Customs Brokers and International Freight Forwarders, we handle your cargo economically and professionally. Based in Brisbane, Colless Young provides a complete range of logistics services, including exports, both by sea and airfreight, at all major Australian ports and airports.