Paper and Cardboard Exports

With effect from 01 October 2024, the export of mixed or unsorted paper and cardboard will be prohibited unless an export licence has been granted by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW).

This has been formally announced by the Australian Border Force (ABF) by Australian Customs Notice No. 2024/25: “Commencement of the Recycling and Waste Reduction (Export–Paper and Cardboard) Rules 2024.”

This initiative is part of Australia’s regulation of exports of waste and recyclable goods, including paper and cardboard, under the Recycling and Waste Reduction Act 2020 and the Recycling and Waste Reduction (Export-Waste Paper and Cardboard) Rules 2024 (the Paper and Cardboard Rules).

Waste paper and cardboard is defined as:
a. mixed or unsorted paper and cardboard that is discarded, rejected or left-over from an industrial, commercial, domestic, or other activity; or
b. mixed or unsorted paper and cardboard that is surplus to, or a by-product of, an industrial, commercial, domestic, or other activity.

Clean and sorted paper and cardboard will not be regulated under these changes.

From 01 October 2024, to export waste paper and cardboard you will need:

– a waste paper and cardboard export licence
– to declare each consignment to us before you declare to the ABF.

The intent of the measure is to prevent the export of waste paper and cardboard that is in a condition unsuitable for effective recycling, and where it could potentially have a negative impact in the form of pollution in the receiving country. Sorted paper and cardboard will not require an export licence.

Hazardous Waste Exports
Exports of waste paper and cardboard that is hazardous waste are controlled under the Hazardous Waste Act. Paper and cardboard controlled under the that Act requires a hazardous waste permit for export. Exporting hazardous waste without a valid permit is an offence under the Act. If you are required to obtain a hazardous waste permit for your exports, you are not required to also obtain a waste export licence.

DCCEEW administers licences to export mixed waste paper and cardboard, which can be valid for up to three years, and subject to conditions. Exporters need to meet the requirements of the Act and the Paper and Cardboard Rules in order for the Minister for the Environment and Water to consider granting a waste export licence.

For further information on the new export regulation of waste products, please visit the DCCEEW website, at Exports of waste paper and cardboard – DCCEEW.

See this related article from our archives: Rules for Recycled Plastic Exports Enforced

For professional advice about all your export trade and shipping needs, whether for waste products or general cargo, please contact us here at Colless Young. As licensed Customs Brokers and International Freight Forwarders, we handle all your transport needs, by airfreight and sea cargo, both import and export. We are based in Brisbane and offer a complete range of logistics services through all Australian ports and airports.