New Screening Rules for Air Exports

As of 1st March 2019, all export air cargo will be subject to ‘piece-level’ screening. A ‘piece of cargo’ is defined as the largest item that can be effectively examined based on the Enhanced Air Cargo Examination method used. As your freight forwarding agent, we sometimes consolidate your goods with those of other exporters in order to reduce your costs. In such cases, all international cargo has to be ‘piece-level examined’ prior to consolidation.

Unless a shipper is a regulated ‘Known Consignor’, all cargo will need to be examined at the airport, or at an off-airport approved facility (RACA), prior to export. If you are not already approved as a Known Consignor, you will need to talk to us at time of booking and consider how your goods are packed and transported for screening.
Information on the Known Consignor Scheme is available on the Home Affairs website.

On 7th November 2018, the Executive Director Transport Security at the Department of Home Affairs issued the following notice and recommended we bring it to your attention.

“Export Air Cargo Security is changing on 1 March 2019

I am writing to you with information that is critical to the future of your export business.
It is just under four (4) months until 1 March 2019 when export air cargo, regardless of destination, will need to be examined at piece-level or originate from a Known Consignor.
This change is necessary to ensure that Australia is responding to the evolving terrorist threat.

What should you do? Talk to your air cargo supply chain about:

ï‚· If and how the change will impact your current export arrangements.
For example:
– Possible delays
– Possible increase in costs

ï‚· Your options to minimise the impact of the change.
Think about things like:
– Packaging of your products
– Handling of consolidated cargo
– Scheduling of your deliveries
– How your cargo is transported

 Considerations for your business becoming a Known Consignor.”