DAFF Changes Intervention Focus

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) has issued Import Industry Advice Notice (IAN) 255-2022 to announce the recalibration of several import commodities. This is part of the work of the Cargo Service Delivery Rapid Response Team which we reported on in September. The intention of DAFF’s reforms is to maintain the level of Australia’s biosecurity and facilitate legitimate international trade.

The IAN issued yesterday (07 December 2022), no. 255-2022, is titled Tariff recalibrations to deliver acceptable level of protection (ALOP) notice. It builds on earlier IANs 182-2022 Establishment of the Cargo Service Delivery Rapid Response Team (28 Sept) and 157-2022: Biosecurity priorities and impact for cargo clearance delays (25 Aug).

Here is the essential content of the latest notice that we find of interest:
As part of work being delivered by the Cargo Service Delivery Rapid Response Team, DAFF has been reviewing the risk associated with various commodities coming into Australia. As a result, some commodities may see a change in biosecurity intervention associated with their entry.

From Wednesday, 07 December 2022 customs brokers, importers and biosecurity industry participants may see a reduction in the referral rate of some commodities coming into Australia. By better targeting referrals and associated intervention on goods coming into the country, additional focus can be given to those goods which pose high risk, along with monitoring and assurance activities.

Intervention is not being removed, rather better targeted with an assurance model. All goods coming into the country will continue to be monitored and profiled. All biosecurity directions given by the department must continue to be complied with.

In related news, we also posted in October under the heading, Importers Waiting for Quarantine Inspections. In response to the ongoing disruptions with commercial cargo imports, DAFF has acknowledged it is aware of the continuing impact delays in biosecurity clearance are having and that this is compounded by current shipping, logistics and workforce disruptions.

We welcome all the current moves to facilitate clearance of your cargo through biosecurity (quarantine) channels and will continue to bring you updates.

For professional advice about clearance of your cargo though Customs and Quarantine procedures, contact us here at Colless Young. As licensed Customs Brokers and International Freight Forwarders, we handle all your imports and exports, reliably and economically. We are based in Brisbane and offer a complete range of logistics services, by airfreight and sea cargo through all Australian ports and airports.