ABF Goods Compliance Update

Included in the latest edition of the ABF Goods Compliance Update are the latest Compliance Program Results – 1 October 2018 – 31 March 2019, covering Cargo Reporting, Import and Export Declarations performance.

Briefly, it covers:

Asbestos located in Apiculture Equipment
Licensed Brokers are advised to be aware that battery-operated bee smokers may contain asbestos and care should be taken to specifically request information from the importer as to the manner in which the smoker generates heat.

Tobacco Import Requirements
From 1 July 2019, new requirements will apply to the importation of tobacco products into Australia. Cigarettes, molasses and loose-leaf tobacco will become prohibited imports and permission granted by the Department of Home Affairs will be required to import these products into Australia. From the same date, all duties and taxes on imported tobacco will need to be paid immediately on importation into Australia.

Changes to the asbestos border control
Amendments have been introduced with effect from 26 March 2019 for the import and export prohibitions for asbestos. The unlawful importation or exportation of asbestos is now a criminal offence.

Cargo reporting and import declaration requirements
This section outlines a number of legislative definitions and requirements in relation to cargo reporting, Import declarations and Business models.

Other key points covered in the update are:
– 2018–19 updates to the Integrated Cargo System
– Points of contact for trade and goods issues
– New members of the Trade and Goods Compliance Advisory Group (CAG)
– Customs Broker Obligations – Continuing Professional Development
– Compliance program results 1 October 2018 –31 March 2019

Readers interested in reading the full document (21 pages in PDF) CLICK HERE