Importers Alerted to Another Pest

Over recent times we have reported on a number of pests that “hitchhike” a ride in shipping containers into Australia, such as Stink Bugs and Khapra Beetles. We are now entering the flight season of the pest known as Burnt Pine Longhorn (BPL) Beetle, which extends from November to April/May. During this period, adult beetles are often intercepted at the Australian border on ships from New Zealand.
[Credit for Image Above: Phil Bendle Collection / Cit Sci Hub NZ].

This week the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) issued Industry Advice Notice no. 234-2022: Commencement of 2022-23 Burnt Pine Longicorn (BPL) (Arhopalus ferus) flight season.

DAFF are commencing their annual heightened surveillance regime for managing the risks posed by BPL beetles on vessels departing from New Zealand from 00:01 hours (NZST) at the start of Saturday 19th November 2022.

The BPL beetle is likely to enter Australia on vessels and cargo including imported timber and machinery from NZ. DAFF requests international vessel masters, shipping agents and importers of timber products to remain vigilant for BPL and advise them, as soon as possible, of any suspected detections of the pest.

Look for adult beetles seeking shelter in dark secluded areas during daylight and in imported cargo or vessels. Adults are active from dusk to dawn and are attracted to light.

Commodities imported from NZ that may carry affected timber include:

  • Unfinished timber
  • Logs, log cabins and oversized timber
  • Plywood, laminated veneer lumber (LVL) and veneer sheets.

Please note the following exemptions:

  • Consignments already loaded onto vessels before the commencement of the flight season are exempt from BPL flight season treatment requirements.
  • Consignments already loaded and sealed into containers before the commencement of the flight season are also exempt from Arhopalus treatment requirements.

See. Secure. Report.
If you see this BPL pest or any other pest that you think may have hitchhiked to Australia, contain it, where possible and immediately report it to DAFF or your shipping agent.

DAFF has developed a BPL webpage to assist in the detection of BPL.

For correct information about all your imports, including quarantine inspections and treatments, contact us here at Colless Young. As licensed Customs Brokers and International Freight Forwarders, we handle your cargo economically and professionally. Based in Brisbane, Colless Young provides a complete range of logistics services, including exports, both by sea and airfreight, at all major Australian ports and airports.

BPL Adult
BPL Larva