Public Consultation on Biosecurity

While globalisation has opened doors to growth and opportunity for Australia, it has also brought more exotic pests and diseases to our doorstep. Australia’s biosecurity system is facing increasing pressure to maintain the level of protection needed. You can provide your views on what practical changes could be made to develop a sustainable funding model.

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) is seeking comments and practical ideas on options for long-term, sustainable funding to strengthen Australia’s biosecurity system.

An initial public engagement process commenced on 01 November 2022 with the release of a discussion paper seeking the views of all system participants and interested parties, including importers, customs brokers, freight forwarders and shipping agents.

Key questions to focus your feedback

  1. Considering the potential funding options and opportunities outlined in the discussion paper, as well as from your experience, what elements do you think a sustainable biosecurity funding model should include? Are there elements that should not be included; if so, why?
  2. How would your proposed model operate at a practical level and who would it apply to?
  3. How would your proposed model impact you and others? What would be the benefits or disadvantages to you and/or other stakeholders?
  4. Is the proportionality between those who contribute to the funding system and those who benefit the most, right?
  5. Are there other technologies, current or emerging, that could be employed to increase the efficiency of the biosecurity system, and perhaps reduce operational cost?
  6. How could the Commonwealth Government improve efficiency in the biosecurity system (consistent with meeting our Appropriate Level of Protection)?
  7. What other investments or actions could the Commonwealth Government make or take to sustainably support the delivery of biosecurity activities?

To Have Your Say
This week DAFF has issued Industry Advice Notice 217-2022: Sustainable Funding and Investment for Biosecurity – Public Consultation.

Industry is invited to review the discussion paper and make a submission on DAFF’s ‘Have Your Say’ platform by 4 pm (AEDT) on 21 November 2022.

DAFF may follow up with industry for further information about some submissions. Recommendations will be presented to the Australian Government in 2023.

What is driving this?
The Commonwealth Biosecurity 2030 strategic roadmap sets out nine strategic actions needed to lift DAFF’s biosecurity capability and evolve our efforts within the national biosecurity system. One of the nine actions is to align the Commonwealth’s funding and investment model to emerging system needs, ensuring that funding and investment strategies are fit for purpose and sustainable for the long-term and that biosecurity partners contribute equitably.

Consistent with Commonwealth Biosecurity 2030 and stakeholder comments received in developing the National Biosecurity Strategy, DAFF commenced a program of work in August 2022 to support the development of the sustainable funding and investment model for biosecurity.

The Australian Government says it is committed to develop a sustainable biosecurity funding model as outlined in A Better Future for our Regions: Bolstering Australia’s Biosecurity System (which is available on the ALP’s website).

Read our related article, Importers Waiting for Quarantine Inspections.

For information on all aspects of importing and clearance through Customs and Quarantine, contact us here at Colless Young. As licensed Customs Brokers and International Freight Forwarders, we handle your shipping and transport needs professionally, both import and export. We are based in Brisbane and offer a complete range of logistics services, by airfreight and sea cargo, through all Australian ports and airports.