Improving Import Pest Detection

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) has partnered with CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency, and Microsoft to develop and trial a mobile phone application. This app will help front-line operational staff identify the high-risk brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) and other invasive and endemic stink bug species in the field and in real-time.

Deputy Secretary of Biosecurity and Compliance Dr Chris Locke said the project is extremely timely as annual measures to stop BMSB entering Australia started on 01 September. “In the last 25 years, the sap-sucking BMSB has become established in several countries in Europe and North America. They can cause considerable damage to crops like apples, pears, grapes, cotton, maize, tomatoes, soybeans, citrus and stone fruits,” Dr Locke said.

Fast Facts:

  • As part of its role in the project, CSIRO identified each stink bug (Pentatomids) specimen, exotic and native, and produced a digital library of high-resolution images with pictures of the bugs taken from multiple angles.
  • They then used a Microsoft AI image recognition model and, using machine learning, trained it to identify the unique top, underside and side views of each distinct bug.
  • This information was developed into an app for mobile phones, to be trialled by DAFF biosecurity and surveillance officers in the field.
  • The technology provides a confidence rating on the species’ identification, which helps officers more quickly determine their next course of action.

Upcoming Hitchhiker Pest Container Survey
DAFF has also issued Industry Advice Notice 194-2022, announcing they are undertaking a survey in partnership with Qube Logistics to inspect the external surfaces of sea containers from a selection of countries not on their Country Action List (CAL) i.e. countries that are generally not subject to external container inspection on arrival to Australia.

The results of the survey will be used by DAFF to verify if current risk-settings are effectively managing the risk of hitchhiker pests and contaminants entering Australia on the external surfaces of imported sea containers; and may inform future changes to the Country Action List.

The survey will be conducted by Qube Logistics in the ports of Brisbane, Adelaide and Fremantle. Selected containers will be inspected on the wharf by trained personnel within 72 hours of vessel discharge.

Stakeholders can expect a minimal delay in the release of non-CAL containers if they are selected for inspection. Any containers with unacceptable levels of contamination with soil, plant and animal material will be cleaned on-site at no additional cost to the importer. Containers found to be infested with live pests will be held pending identification and advice on appropriate treatment options. The cost of any treatments required to manage live pests will be borne by the importer.

The survey commenced on 13 October 2022 and will continue for approximately 6 months.

For more information about all your import and export shipping requirements talk to us here at Colless Young. As licensed Customs Brokers and International Freight Forwarders, we professionally handle your consignments, by both sea and airfreight. We provide a complete range of services, including quarantine treatments, trucking and warehousing. We are based in Brisbane and offer logistics facilities through all Australian ports and airports.