New Customs and Quarantine Charges


Australian Customs and Border Protection has made the following announcement:
“Changes to Import Processing Charges from 1 January 2016.
As part of the 2015 – 16 Commonwealth Budget, the Government has decided to restructure the Import Processing Charges (IPCs) in order to support a number of significant reforms.  The IPCs are cost recovery based and are aimed at improving the integrity of the border while removing cross-subsidisation and delivering efficiencies to industry.  There are two changes being employed to the current IPC arrangements:

ï‚· Removal of the current price differential between air/post and sea cargo pathways.

ï‚· Introduction of a consistent price differential between electronically and manually lodged declarations to encourage electronic lodgments and better reflect the additional work required by the agency to manually enter and process these documents.

A table of the restructured IPCs is available at:


In an update to the new fees imposed by the DOA (as reported in our news item of Nov 22 2015), they have advised of additional processing charges which will necessitate the following fee on each Quarantine Entry we lodge on your behalf:

Entry Processing Fee $10.00              (As from Dec 01, 2015)